Course Overview
Some equine facilities are designed with attention placed on human comfort and aesthetics at the cost of the horse’s wellbeing. Equine and human injuries resulting from faulty design or improper material usage can lead to costly medical emergencies. However, a well-designed facility can save both time and expenses in daily equine management and maintenance. This course will give you tools to prioritize your horse’s safety and well-being as you build or renovate your own equine facility. For a full course outline go to: Course Syllabus
Start Date
New dates coming soon!
Course Format
Self-paced with moderated discussion forums during the first four weeks.

Content Expert
Dr. Christine Skelly will guide you each week through a course unit to answer your questions about horse facilities. Through online discussion groups and an interactive video discussion, Dr. Skelly will assist you in developing a horse facility plan that you can be confident in!
Registration Instructions
To register for this course you will need to create an account, sign in with your email/password, and complete the registration process. To watch a video tutorial, demonstrating an overview of the registration process, click on the following link: Online Course Registration Video Tutorial. Step-by-step instructions are below.
Create your MSU Guest Account/Community ID and Password: Create Your Account.
Login to the registration system with your Community ID and Password: Crash Course for Horse Housing.
Follow the instructions to register for the course. Upon registration, you will receive a receipt and instructions for accessing the course.
Technical Assistance
If you have any technical problems please contact the Michigan State University Discovery Services Help Desk. They are available at reachout@msu.edu or at 800-500-1554 from 7am-12am Monday through Friday and 10am-12am on Saturday/Sunday.
Frequently Asked Questions
What is my username/NETID?
Your username (or NET ID) is the email address you used to create your account during registration (you use the same email address/password for registering and for taking the course). -
What URL do I go to for logging into the course?
Go to: https://d2l.msu.edu/. You will see the Michigan State University at the top of the page. Login with the email address and password you set during the registration process. -
I received a “not authenticated” response when trying to login – what do I do?
A “not authenticated” message is typically an issue with a password not being entered correctly. To reset your password at any time go to: https://community.idm.msu.edu/ and select the option for Forgot Password. You will receive an email from a sender called “Community ID” with a link to reset your password. -
I forgot my password – where can I reset it?
To reset your password at any time go to: https://community.idm.msu.edu/ and select the option for Forgot Password. You will receive an email from a sender called “Community ID” with a link to reset your password. -
Who can I call for technical support?
If you have any technical problems please contact the Michigan State University Discovery Services Help Desk. They are available at reachout@msu.edu or at 800-500-1554 from 7am-12am Monday through Friday and 10am-12am on Saturday/Sunday.