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Topics: Health Evaluation, Emergency Care, Routine Health Care, Biosecurity, and Record Keeping

Course Overview

This short course is based on knowledge from equine health and management experts at Michigan State University. A working knowledge of preventative health care as well as diseases and injuries are required when managing horses.  Essential horse management skills include identifying early signs of health problems, evaluating a horse’s health status on a daily and sometimes hourly basis and responding appropriately to emergency situations as they arise. For a full course outline go to: Course Syllabus.


If you have any questions about this course email:

Start Date

April 13, 2020

*Note: Participants will have access to the course content through September 30, 2020!

Course Format

Self-paced with moderated discussion forums during the first four weeks.




Content Expert

Dr. Christine Skelly will guide you each week through a course unit to answer your questions about managing your horse’s health.  Through online discussion groups she will assist you in developing a horse health plan that you can be confident in!

Registration Instructions

To register for this course you will need to create an account, sign in with your email/password, and complete the registration process. To watch a video tutorial, demonstrating an overview of the registration process, click on the following link: Online Course Registration Video Tutorial. Step-by-step instructions are below.


  1. Create your MSU Guest Account/Community ID and PasswordCreate Your Account

  2. Login to the registration system with your Community ID and Password: Crash Course for a Healthy Horse.

  3. Follow the instructions to register for the course. Upon registration, you will receive a receipt and instructions for accessing the course.

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Technical Assistance

If you have any technical problems please contact the Michigan State University Discovery Services Help Desk. They are available at or at 800-500-1554 from 7am-12am Monday through Friday and 10am-12am on Saturday/Sunday.

Frequently Asked Questions

  1. What is my username/NETID?
    Your username (or NET ID) is the email address you used to create your account during registration (you use the same email address/password for registering and for taking the course).

  2. What URL do I go to for logging into the course?
    Go to: You will see the Michigan State University at the top of the page. Login with the email address and password you set during the registration process.

  3. I received a “not authenticated” response when trying to login – what do I do?
    A “not authenticated” message is typically an issue with a password not being entered correctly. To reset your password at any time go to: and select the option for Forgot Password. You will receive an email from a sender called “Community ID” with a link to reset your password.

  4. I forgot my password – where can I reset it?
    To reset your password at any time go to: and select the option for Forgot Password. You will receive an email from a sender called “Community ID” with a link to reset your password.

  5. Who can I call for technical support?
    If you have any technical problems please contact the Michigan State University Discovery Services Help Desk. They are available at or at 800-500-1554 from 7am-12am Monday through Friday and 10am-12am on Saturday/Sunday.

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