Showing Trends from a Judge's Perspective

Horse showing is an integral part of many people’s passion for their horses. Many spend countless hours preparing both their horses and themselves for competition. As with most things, horse showing goes through many trends and fads. However, the bottom line is how are these new and sometimes expensive fads perceived by the judge in the show ring? This presentation will dive into a judge’s perception of some of the latest trends and fads in the horse show world.
Presenter Information
Dr. Kathy Anderson has been the Extension Horse Specialist at the University of Nebraska since 1991. She oversees the youth and adult extension horse program as well as teaches Undergraduate courses in the Animal Science Department. Kathy is currently teaching courses in Horse Management, Equine Reproduction, and Equine Nutrition. Additionally she has coached the UNL Horse Judging team.
An avid horse show judge, Kathy is a carded judge with the American Quarter Horse Association, American Paint Horse Association, and National Snaffle Bit Association. She received her Bachelor of Science in Animal Science and Agricultural Education from the University of Nebraska, Masters of Science in Physiology of Reproduction from Texas A&M University, and a Ph.D. in Animal Science from Kansas State University.
Watch the recorded webcast below!