Giving Your Horse the Best Chance During Disasters

Summary Participants in this webcast will learn practical things a horse owner should know, and can do, that will reduce risks to horses during fires, floods and storms. This webcast is presented by My Horse University, Michigan State University Extension and the Extension Disaster Education Network.
Presenter Details
Dr. Karen Waite is an Equine Extension Specialist in Michigan and teaches and advises Equine students in the MSU Department of Animal Science. In her Extension roles she coordinates the Adult Equine Extension program, the Michigan Equine Survey, and is the Director of Leadership Development for My Horse University. In addition, she oversees the Youth Equine Extension program and is active with eXtension Horse Quest.
Scott Cotton is a University of Wyoming Area Agriculture Educator and Extension Disaster Education Delegate. His experience of working over two decades with three various land grant universities is combined with his previous experience as a Deputy Sheriff, Firefighter and EMT to lead him to an active role in managing animal and agriculture disaster response efforts on a number of regional and national wildfires, floods, and severe winter storms. With a family background of raising horses since the mid- 1880’s, his perspective blends research-based principles with actual field experience helping horses and livestock survive disasters.
Watch the recorded webcast below!